Admission of Thomas M. Bowen as Attorney in Iowa, 1853; March 8, 1875
File — Box: MS 014-5-01, Folder: MS 014-5-01-01
Identifier: MS 014- series MS 014-5- file MS 014-5-01-01
Copy of record with details about Thomas Bowen's admittance and certification as Attorney in Henry County, Iowa. The original document is dated 1853 and this copy was created in 1875.
Digital Collections - FHSU Scholars Repository – Digitized Copies of Materials
State of Iowa Henry County
Be it remembered that at the regular September term 1853 of the District Court of Said County on the Second day of Said term Such being the 13th day of Sept 1853, the Hon R. P. Lowe Sole Judge of Said District presiding, there was entered of record the following to wit:
The Committee composed of Messers Thompson Rorer & Beers appointed by this Court on yesterday to examine Samuel McFarland A H Bereman and Thomas M. Bowen applicants for admission as Attorneys and Councellors at Law. Report that they have performed that duty and find the Said applicants well qualified for the practice of law, and recommend their admission. There upon the Said Samuel McFarland, A H Bereman and Thomas M Bowen appeared in open Court and generally took the oath required by law and were admitted as Attorneys and Counsellors at Law of Said Court.
(Signed at end of days proceedings by) R P Lowe Judge State of Iowa Henry County
I J W Allen clerk of the District Court in and for Said County and State do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and complete copy of the record entry made in Said Court admitting Samuel McFarland, A H Bereman and Thomas M Bowen to practice Law in the Courts of this State, as full and as complete as the same appears of record in my office.
Given under my hand and Seat of Said Court at Mt Pleasant Iowa this 3rd day of March AD 1875 J W Allen Clerk
Digital Collections - FHSU Scholars Repository – Digitized Copies of Materials
State of Iowa Henry County
Be it remembered that at the regular September term 1853 of the District Court of Said County on the Second day of Said term Such being the 13th day of Sept 1853, the Hon R. P. Lowe Sole Judge of Said District presiding, there was entered of record the following to wit:
The Committee composed of Messers Thompson Rorer & Beers appointed by this Court on yesterday to examine Samuel McFarland A H Bereman and Thomas M. Bowen applicants for admission as Attorneys and Councellors at Law. Report that they have performed that duty and find the Said applicants well qualified for the practice of law, and recommend their admission. There upon the Said Samuel McFarland, A H Bereman and Thomas M Bowen appeared in open Court and generally took the oath required by law and were admitted as Attorneys and Counsellors at Law of Said Court.
(Signed at end of days proceedings by) R P Lowe Judge State of Iowa Henry County
I J W Allen clerk of the District Court in and for Said County and State do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and complete copy of the record entry made in Said Court admitting Samuel McFarland, A H Bereman and Thomas M Bowen to practice Law in the Courts of this State, as full and as complete as the same appears of record in my office.
Given under my hand and Seat of Said Court at Mt Pleasant Iowa this 3rd day of March AD 1875 J W Allen Clerk
- 1853; March 8, 1875
From the Collection: 10 Cubic Feet
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- From the Collection: Johnson, Timothy (Person)
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