A.H.T.A. parade (Peabody, Kansas), 1908-11-06
Identifier: MS 014- series MS 014-2- Container MS 014-2-02- item 1242
- Other: 1908-11-06
From the Collection: 10 Cubic Feet
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Front: A.H.T.A. Parade Peabody Kans.
Back: Handwritten: Peabody Kas Hurrah for Willis Dear [illegible] Recd card today. Got two letters yesterday from men wanting more corn husking. One wanted more {illegible] three men and the other first one you remember me telling about [illegible name] horse being sick don't you. He died Sunday eve its mane two he lost inside 6 weeks are you coming or not I would like to know soon as if you don't I'll hire some one else got a good jacking up for not being home to vote all my men were elected so what's the diff. R. H. |
Mr. A. L. Loomis.,
Diamond Sprs., Kas.
Postmarked date from Peabody, Kansas
- From the Collection: Johnson, Timothy (Person)
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Part of the Fort Hays State University Special Collections Repository