Sod house with a large group of people in front (Atwood, Kansas), 1915-10-13
Identifier: MS 014- series MS 014-2- Container MS 014-2-02- item 1196
- Other: 1915-10-13
From the Collection: 10 Cubic Feet
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Front: Sunday at the Sod House Near Atwood Kans.
Back: Handwritten: Dear Alta This is a lovely morning had a little frost last night we are going out to Oscars to day 15 mile ride in a auto. [illegible] is coming after us the youngest boy & his wife was hear yesterday I haven't got home sick yeat I got your card Papa is in [illegible] him self |
Mrs. Will Meker,
Grinnell, Iowa,
1117 Hamilton Ave
Postmarked date from Atwood, Kansas
- From the Collection: Johnson, Timothy (Person)
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Part of the Fort Hays State University Special Collections Repository