Kansas Grows the Best Wheat in the World
Identifier: MS 014- series MS 014-2- Container MS 014-2-02- item 831
- 1857-1974
From the Collection: 10 Cubic Feet
Front: Kansas Grows the Best Wheat in the World
Back: Kansas is - First in per cent of American born. First in college students per 1,000 population. First in wheat. First in apple seedlings. First in zinc smelting. Second in alfalfa. Third in value of cereal crops. Third in oil. Third in salt. Third in beef cattle. Third in sorghums. Third in farm automobiles. Fourth in horses. Fifth in poultry. Sixth in corn acreage. Sixth in value of live stock. Sixth in value of live stock products. Kansas has - The second largest milling industry. The second largest meat packing industry. The second largest creamery. Extensive deposits of coal. Farm, factory and mineral products aggregationing in value more than a billion dollars annually. A health-giving climate where folks live longer. A deep rich soil, no mountains or swamps. Schools and churches on every hand. Full complement of universities, colleges, libraries and newspapers. Wholesome environments for home building. Unlimited opportunities for prosperity through intelligent industry. J. C. Mohler, Secretary, Kansas State Board of Agriculture - One-Sixth of the Wheat Crop of the United States was Produced by Kansas in 1924.
- From the Collection: Johnson, Timothy (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Fort Hays State University Special Collections Repository