Advertisement: Universal Patterns! (Lenora, Kansas)
Item — Box: MS 014-2-01, Object: MS 014-2-01-0125
Identifier: MS 014- series MS 014-2- item MS 014-2-01-0125
- 1857-1974
From the Collection: 10 Cubic Feet
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Front: The Universal Patterns! Are the Best Fitting Patterns in the World!
Back: Compliments of Daniel Nettleton, Lenora, - Kansas. Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Notions, Etc. Give me a call Agency for the Universal Fashion Company’s Perfect-fitting Patterns. Album of Fashions. 64 Pages, over 1000 large Illustrations, 15 Cents, post-paid.
- From the Collection: Johnson, Timothy (Person)
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Part of the Fort Hays State University Special Collections Repository