Letters from Ernst Gerard to his children, December 8, 1888 and December 15, 1888
File — Box: MS 014-4-01, Folder: MS 014-4-01-020
Identifier: MS 014- series MS 014-4- file MS 014-4-01-020
Two letters written by Ernst Gerard - one two his son Jospehef and the other to Anna, Joe and others. Mr. Gerard writes about traveling to Wichita, and life on the farm.
Digital Collections - FHSU Scholars Repository – Digitized Copies of Materials
Corbin Decber 8 88
My deare Son Josephef I send you a letter datet Dezembre, to Paris you dit not get it the way you moovet anai I think I resieft your Lettre datet Dezembre 4th inclusive $10, now I can warm my self on the Stove again I both my self som Coal, and paid Mr. Ramsiger 1.40 for Grofserys I owet him. Anny and you wantet to no how I getting along anyhow
Well ten leth me tell you I am well so I wish al of you be the sam, - I got every thing in good Condition. I due my on little Cookin and got good Bread to eat wish I bak myself. I both me 1 Bskl Potatoes 2 # Lard and 1 gallon Saurkraut som Aniens, and ½ dozent Eggs and tat does me for a Spell again. I got 3 chickens and a Rooster I both but no sints of an Egg. Eggs be 20 cts a dozent in Corbin now. Buttre 18 cts and Oats only 16 and 17 cts. I hope at will be 25 cts a bushl befor long. You no after ten years every thing getin up a little higher. I got al the Oats and Millet just alike you left here escept what I feed to the colt and cattle. I don't think to giv any away for sutsh a Price.
I tell every man ho wanted to rend our Place I has not got any answeher from Texas yeth, and so our Land is al for Rent yeth. Except the 30 Aires east of the House well soe that is about al for this Thime I no.
Old Man Mitshel you no on the Prairy Creek School House is dat he was only one Day sick he is bairet in Wiliamses Chappel Grave Yard. Ther is lots of sicknes around her, at dit com [illegible] near we got a Funeral in our Corbin House. Misses Hard oldest Boy was pretty lo doun. The Doeters giv him [illegible] up now I guess he is getting better. I can nothing her from Hearth and nobody else, the Town suport the Familie so long the Boy gets bettre.
I think ther is and old Irish Fellew whit to big Sons he wanted the old House for his Familie he got 5 horses, he ben her 2 thimes now for renting our Place I rad to you about it in my last Lettre wat I send you to Paris datet Dezembre 1-88 well I wish you al a good held alike I am now and be in Peace so long you be to gather, and enjoi yourself so good you can, Our old Cow givs plenty milk sins our Calf is wened Msses Crakin takes 2/3 and I 1/3 of it
at ben just 12 in my boarding House now. Cold Calf Halfer Cow 2 Dogs 2 Cats 3 Chicken 1 Rooster and myself and al of us be satisfith can not Human be-ings just the same so??? I got plenty Feet for al of them, just the two Dogs, can not liev on Oats Straw and Millet. I wish you got bat af in Gainesville ther be mor slop barls than her on the Farm. I cut due the barkin miself.
well Children tat is about al I no of now Except an Excursion on the 11th this Month from Caldwell to Wichita and return for 75 cts. ther is the best way for me to see yours Moters Grave, a sutsh a Chance mar be I don't get any more for a good spell
well my best wishes to all of you from your truly Father Ernst Gerard
Wath Anny don't right any mor I got Envelops now again to answer
Second letter:
Corbin Sumner Co: Dezembre 15th 1888
My dear Anna Joe and al of you
I resieft your letter datet Dezembre 10. I am glad tat you ar all well again, you dit not tell me wath sicknes Joe dit hav ether on what Passenger Train joe ben Firing? ___ Well Children I ben in Wichita and bak for 75 cts, the first Stepp out of the cars was to inquire for the Cemetery, so I went past our old Home to Oack Street, I saw our Old House the beck Cotton Tree and the Cikamore Tree an the Place wehr the Tump stood is a little sunk. I been lookin arount ther for about 15 minutes, an dben takin wet one of the Sisters of Charyte than I went 4 or 5 Blocks further to Oak Street. Ther I took the Street Car and went to the Grave Yard. I found the Grvl righth away. Ther is an old Fence moofet away from Some Grave rigt to Mothers Grave. That monument looks good the kit lay the Foundation arount the Grave, but no Copin is on at yeth. I Inquired on the Corner of the Grave Yard, by the Stone Cuttre, (the boss himself was not there) the Man told me, so soon the get the Stones the will finnishet
[page 2] I notitzt the got the Masson Lines Stretshet around the Grave alike waiting for som material, I bent her for a good wilh, at look it to me so homly, thousent of old remembrance went true by Heat, a seldsome feeling got over me. Than I went to the Town again, past our old Home again and went to the Depot. I did not care any more to see the the Cyti, except I went t oold Bridge to see the old Rocks. I been [illegible] onest so long agoAl my old Frinds, I only saw Bisans and Braitsh both them tougt I was dat long ago after I stayet ther I went to the Depot and stood ther till the Cars got me home again. So soon Mr. Brogan found I was on the Train, he went true al the Cars to find me he told me if I went riht to him, he would take me al over the Town, after a wiel he broughth his Wife and Child to me in the Cars and we ben talking till the Train stardet.The 6 or 7 Cars just just was Krautet, som of the Passengers have to stay in the Gagn Way. Her on the Farm is nothing news the old Irish Mann he wandet our Place, rendet Cathe Castellos Place, and Path Rhyne, I did not see em sinse. So every Ting is here at Home alike you left it
[page 3] I don't go to nobody, and nobody coms to me, exept I go to the post Ofiece and back hom again, the [illegible] Harth in Corbin got one Child sick whit Tiotfory Fever and her oldest Boy cant leave the Bed yeth. I brougth her my Wash the day ther be som Wommen to wash for her and leth her have the monay for it, so tat she can keep the Children alief. I belive her Husband the raskel left her for good. I been trying to sell the Corbin Property if I can get $200 for it. The Prices for Oats 17 cts Corn 21, Weath 80, Potatos 90, Eggs 18 Buttre 18. I dit not sell any Oats yeth. I no I geth 22 or 25 cts next Marsh for it. So long I cann help myself I want to keep wath we got, the Thime will come, that we geth some thing for it, next week I butsher our Calf. I did not see an Egg since you left from our on Chickens till this Morning one of our Chicken got one you no ther was 3. Chicken left from them wath Mary could not catsh, and I both a Roostre for 20 cts just to no wath Thime at is in the morning, Our old Clock don't want to run anymore. Well Children that is al wath I no for this Thime, I am well and wish al of you the sam. I believe Joe is not so healty anymore
[page 4] alike he just to be at would be a good thing to geth himself from this Blood Purifir, and tak it for a week, that is bettre than any thing else. The weather is very good for the last 4 weeks at never did freeze over ½ insh ice an din the day time at melding again, the nights be cool but the days be fine for this time the year. Well Children I wish al of you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
from your truly Father
Ernst Gerard
I dit see an Antilope this morning. I went for my gun but the antilope com to gloss to the house, with a bell arount his Nek, also a tham one. I resievet the St. Louis dayly Demohrads
Envelope: Return to Ernst Gerard Corbin, Sumner Co., Kansas, If not delivered within 10 days. Mrs. Anna Gerard Gainesville, Texas Kook Co: P. Box 73 Cancellation stamp has: Corbin Kas. Dec 0? Cancellation stamp has: Gainesville Tex. Dec 16 9 AM 1888
Digital Collections - FHSU Scholars Repository – Digitized Copies of Materials
Corbin Decber 8 88
My deare Son Josephef I send you a letter datet Dezembre, to Paris you dit not get it the way you moovet anai I think I resieft your Lettre datet Dezembre 4th inclusive $10, now I can warm my self on the Stove again I both my self som Coal, and paid Mr. Ramsiger 1.40 for Grofserys I owet him. Anny and you wantet to no how I getting along anyhow
Well ten leth me tell you I am well so I wish al of you be the sam, - I got every thing in good Condition. I due my on little Cookin and got good Bread to eat wish I bak myself. I both me 1 Bskl Potatoes 2 # Lard and 1 gallon Saurkraut som Aniens, and ½ dozent Eggs and tat does me for a Spell again. I got 3 chickens and a Rooster I both but no sints of an Egg. Eggs be 20 cts a dozent in Corbin now. Buttre 18 cts and Oats only 16 and 17 cts. I hope at will be 25 cts a bushl befor long. You no after ten years every thing getin up a little higher. I got al the Oats and Millet just alike you left here escept what I feed to the colt and cattle. I don't think to giv any away for sutsh a Price.
I tell every man ho wanted to rend our Place I has not got any answeher from Texas yeth, and so our Land is al for Rent yeth. Except the 30 Aires east of the House well soe that is about al for this Thime I no.
Old Man Mitshel you no on the Prairy Creek School House is dat he was only one Day sick he is bairet in Wiliamses Chappel Grave Yard. Ther is lots of sicknes around her, at dit com [illegible] near we got a Funeral in our Corbin House. Misses Hard oldest Boy was pretty lo doun. The Doeters giv him [illegible] up now I guess he is getting better. I can nothing her from Hearth and nobody else, the Town suport the Familie so long the Boy gets bettre.
I think ther is and old Irish Fellew whit to big Sons he wanted the old House for his Familie he got 5 horses, he ben her 2 thimes now for renting our Place I rad to you about it in my last Lettre wat I send you to Paris datet Dezembre 1-88 well I wish you al a good held alike I am now and be in Peace so long you be to gather, and enjoi yourself so good you can, Our old Cow givs plenty milk sins our Calf is wened Msses Crakin takes 2/3 and I 1/3 of it
at ben just 12 in my boarding House now. Cold Calf Halfer Cow 2 Dogs 2 Cats 3 Chicken 1 Rooster and myself and al of us be satisfith can not Human be-ings just the same so??? I got plenty Feet for al of them, just the two Dogs, can not liev on Oats Straw and Millet. I wish you got bat af in Gainesville ther be mor slop barls than her on the Farm. I cut due the barkin miself.
well Children tat is about al I no of now Except an Excursion on the 11th this Month from Caldwell to Wichita and return for 75 cts. ther is the best way for me to see yours Moters Grave, a sutsh a Chance mar be I don't get any more for a good spell
well my best wishes to all of you from your truly Father Ernst Gerard
Wath Anny don't right any mor I got Envelops now again to answer
Second letter:
Corbin Sumner Co: Dezembre 15th 1888
My dear Anna Joe and al of you
I resieft your letter datet Dezembre 10. I am glad tat you ar all well again, you dit not tell me wath sicknes Joe dit hav ether on what Passenger Train joe ben Firing? ___ Well Children I ben in Wichita and bak for 75 cts, the first Stepp out of the cars was to inquire for the Cemetery, so I went past our old Home to Oack Street, I saw our Old House the beck Cotton Tree and the Cikamore Tree an the Place wehr the Tump stood is a little sunk. I been lookin arount ther for about 15 minutes, an dben takin wet one of the Sisters of Charyte than I went 4 or 5 Blocks further to Oak Street. Ther I took the Street Car and went to the Grave Yard. I found the Grvl righth away. Ther is an old Fence moofet away from Some Grave rigt to Mothers Grave. That monument looks good the kit lay the Foundation arount the Grave, but no Copin is on at yeth. I Inquired on the Corner of the Grave Yard, by the Stone Cuttre, (the boss himself was not there) the Man told me, so soon the get the Stones the will finnishet
[page 2] I notitzt the got the Masson Lines Stretshet around the Grave alike waiting for som material, I bent her for a good wilh, at look it to me so homly, thousent of old remembrance went true by Heat, a seldsome feeling got over me. Than I went to the Town again, past our old Home again and went to the Depot. I did not care any more to see the the Cyti, except I went t oold Bridge to see the old Rocks. I been [illegible] onest so long agoAl my old Frinds, I only saw Bisans and Braitsh both them tougt I was dat long ago after I stayet ther I went to the Depot and stood ther till the Cars got me home again. So soon Mr. Brogan found I was on the Train, he went true al the Cars to find me he told me if I went riht to him, he would take me al over the Town, after a wiel he broughth his Wife and Child to me in the Cars and we ben talking till the Train stardet.The 6 or 7 Cars just just was Krautet, som of the Passengers have to stay in the Gagn Way. Her on the Farm is nothing news the old Irish Mann he wandet our Place, rendet Cathe Castellos Place, and Path Rhyne, I did not see em sinse. So every Ting is here at Home alike you left it
[page 3] I don't go to nobody, and nobody coms to me, exept I go to the post Ofiece and back hom again, the [illegible] Harth in Corbin got one Child sick whit Tiotfory Fever and her oldest Boy cant leave the Bed yeth. I brougth her my Wash the day ther be som Wommen to wash for her and leth her have the monay for it, so tat she can keep the Children alief. I belive her Husband the raskel left her for good. I been trying to sell the Corbin Property if I can get $200 for it. The Prices for Oats 17 cts Corn 21, Weath 80, Potatos 90, Eggs 18 Buttre 18. I dit not sell any Oats yeth. I no I geth 22 or 25 cts next Marsh for it. So long I cann help myself I want to keep wath we got, the Thime will come, that we geth some thing for it, next week I butsher our Calf. I did not see an Egg since you left from our on Chickens till this Morning one of our Chicken got one you no ther was 3. Chicken left from them wath Mary could not catsh, and I both a Roostre for 20 cts just to no wath Thime at is in the morning, Our old Clock don't want to run anymore. Well Children that is al wath I no for this Thime, I am well and wish al of you the sam. I believe Joe is not so healty anymore
[page 4] alike he just to be at would be a good thing to geth himself from this Blood Purifir, and tak it for a week, that is bettre than any thing else. The weather is very good for the last 4 weeks at never did freeze over ½ insh ice an din the day time at melding again, the nights be cool but the days be fine for this time the year. Well Children I wish al of you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
from your truly Father
Ernst Gerard
I dit see an Antilope this morning. I went for my gun but the antilope com to gloss to the house, with a bell arount his Nek, also a tham one. I resievet the St. Louis dayly Demohrads
Envelope: Return to Ernst Gerard Corbin, Sumner Co., Kansas, If not delivered within 10 days. Mrs. Anna Gerard Gainesville, Texas Kook Co: P. Box 73 Cancellation stamp has: Corbin Kas. Dec 0? Cancellation stamp has: Gainesville Tex. Dec 16 9 AM 1888
- December 8, 1888 and December 15, 1888
From the Series: .33 Linear Feet (1 Letter size document case.)
- From the Collection: Johnson, Timothy (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Fort Hays State University Special Collections Repository