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N-O-P-Q-R, 1958-1971

 File — Box: MS 017-13, Folder: MS 017-13-28
Identifier: MS 017- file MS 017-13-28
Informant N-R folder contains 106 documents starting with the name Emma Naiman, and ending with the name Stella Hill Ryan.
Folder Contents :

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Emma Naiman (Stricker), June 20, 1962, Collector D. Naiman – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Frank L. Naiman, June 19, 1962, Collector D. Naiman – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Linda Lee Nairn, June 6, 1962, Collector Shiela Sutton Schmidt – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ed Neal, July 24, Collector Lora Morgan – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Elta Needles, July 18, 1960, Collector Nancy Clark – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Filomina Nemrava, July 29, 1961, Collector Shiela Sutton Schmidt – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Elmer E. Newacheck, June 17, 1962, Collector Shiela Sutton Schmidt – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Elizabeth Nixon, June 18, 1962, Collector Carrie Taurey – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Earnest Robert Norton, June 15, 1962, Collector Alice Brown – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Dorothy Jane Nuckolls, January 5, 1964, Collector M.J. Rucker – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Rudolph Oborny, July 30, 1962, Collector Eudella Jilg – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Edith O’Connell, November 1, 1963, Collector Mona Mae Brubaker – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ed O’Connor, Collector Mary Jane Tague – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Dugan O’Halloran, Collector Luke Edwards – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mabel O’Halloran, December 21, 1965, Collector Luke Edwards – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mrs. H.A. Opdycke, April 15, 1960, Collector W. Strocha – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Lizz Anthony Opdycke, Spring 1959, Collector Jeanne Caldwell – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Lizzie H. Opdycke, Collector Nera Berry – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Oliver Orr, April 26, 1962, Collector Beverly R. Bennett – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” William Orr, June 1962, Collector Grace Orr – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Agnes Osborne, Summer 1961, Collector Clair Rumford – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mrs. Artaxa Patten, June 16, 1962, Collector Velma Mayfield – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Joseph Pancake – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Helen Patterson, June 19, 1962 – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” T.A. Pauley, June 1962, Collector Grace Orr – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Bess F. Payne, May 9, 1961, Collector Gary D. Crist – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Lester John Pearsall, November 28, 1966, Collector Dianne Lovejoy – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Polly Pearsall, December 31, 1966, Collector Dianne Lovejoy – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Norman Pearson, June 10, 1962, Collector Sarah Pearson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Carl Peterson, April 9, 1961, Collector Karen Shumate – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ted J. Pfannenstiel, June 24, 196s, Collector Anthony Axman – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Tony Pfeifer Jr., May 3, 1966 – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mary Vlcek Pfeiffer, July 20, 1960, Collector Eula G. Davis – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Elizabeth Jane Phegley, June 9, 1962, Collector Sarah Pearson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Elizabeth Jane Phegley, June 12, 1962, Collector Mary Grace Kinter – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mrs. Zenobia Phelps, November 26, 1963, Collector Georgia Greenwood – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Scotty Philip, April 5, 1959, Collector Ward Patterson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ida L. Philips, December 11, 1966, Collector Julie Ann Higgins – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Marilyn Philips, April 28, 1959, Collector Bonnie Harbaugh – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Norma Phummer, June 14, 1962, Collector Ruth Hoff – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mrs. Ian Pierce, December 25, 1966 – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Pittsburg Headlight, May 19, 1926, Collector Mary Jane Tague – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ward L. Plummer, June 14, 1962, Collector Gladys Brotemarkle – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ward L. Plummer, June 14, 1962, Collector Ruth Hoff – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Lilly Post, January 8, 1966, Collector Cheryl Scott – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ella Powers, June 13, 1962, Collector Carrie Tawney – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Alfred Lee Price, December 23, 1963, Collector Don Price – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Edna Prather Price, June 12, 1962, Collector Sylvia Wheeler Youngs – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” LaVern Harrison Price, December 23, 1963, Collector Don Price – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Caroline Amelia Pryor, July 4, 1958, Collector Esther L. Thompson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Edna C. Prather Pryor, July 10, 1958, Collector Esther L. Thompson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Thelma Pugh, December 23, 1965, Collector – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Thelma Pugh, December 13, 1965, Collector Walter Pugh – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Thelma Pugh, December 13, 1965, Collector Walter Pugh – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Charles William Pywell, February 26, 1965, Collector Robert H. Gilbert – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Charles W. Pywell, February 26, 1965, Collector Robert H. Gilbert – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Maxine Querbach, December, Collector Marjorie Querbach – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Dillie Rader, June 15, 1962, Collector Myrtice M. Dawkins – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Dorathea Rahe, January 25, 1962, Collector Mary Hamill – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Irene Rahm, July 4, 1964, Collector Sandra L. Meeks – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Linda Rasch, June 14, 1967, Collector Linda Rasch – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Linda Rasch, June 13, 1967, Collector Linda Rasch – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ida Ellen Rath, Fall 1965, Collector J. Stout – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Harvey Rathut, June 9, 1962, Collector Helen Patterson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Covis T. Ray – 1 page

Document – B 476.11“Informant Biography, Form B” Marjory Elinor Law Ray, May 24, 1968, Collector Connie Winkle – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Howard C. Reunesford, June 6, 1962, Collector Carrie Tawney – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” J.A. Reimer, June 1962, Collector Janie Reimer – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Janie Reimer, June 1962, Collector Janie Reimer – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Gertrude Wilson Renner, June 21, 1962, Collector Kizzie Nickel – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Helen Rennie, January 16, 1964, Collector Mary L. Stadelman – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” J.A. Reimer, June 1962, Collector Janie Reimer – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Paul Resch, June 16, 1962, Collector Alice Brown – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Illuminada T. Reyes, June 1962, Collector Sandre L. Meeks – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Esther A. Reynolds, April 8, 1962, Collector Beverly Bennett – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Grace Fauchier Reynolds, May 12, 1962, Collector Beverly Bennett – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Lucille Foos Richard, August 13, 1967, Collector Jon K. Cronin – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Esther A. Reynolds, April 8, 1962, Collector Beverly Bennett – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Lucille Foos Reynolds, April 9, 1962, Collector Beverly Bennett – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Ida Richardson, June 5, 1970, Collector Kenneth P. Engel – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Shirley Richmond, June 15, 1962, Collector Marcene Smith – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Josephine Riedel, March 20, 1959, Collector S.J. Sackett – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” T.W. Rener, June 20, Collector Betty Hester – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Emily Roberts, June 28, 1958, Collector Marie K. Steeples – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” L.W. Roberts, June 11, 1962, Collector Gloria Havens – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mary Roberts, January 4, 1964, Collector Gerald B. Whipple – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Helen Robinson, November 25, 1971, Collector Dan Robinson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Helen Robinson, November 1971, Collector Dan Robinson – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Gloria Adeline Rodriguez, January 1960, Collector Marion Feist – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Nevada Arleen Rogge, July 17, 1960, Collector Emma Burrell – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Laverne Rohrer, July 17, 1961, Collector Louise Maxwell – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Laverne Rohrer, July 17, 1961, Collector Louise Maxwell – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mrs. Peter A Rome – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” J.G. Rowley, March 30, 1961, Collector Marilyn Rowley – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” J.G. Rowley, March 6, 1961, Collector Marilyn Rowley – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Clara Ruby, July 8, 1958, Collector Leola Shaffer – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Neil L. Rucker, December 7, 1963, Collector M.J. Rucker – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Leo Ruder, May 1, 1961, Collector Eva Redin – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Catherine (Katie) Rudman, July 4, 1958, Collector Barbara Kenyon – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Katie Rudman, July 1960, Collector Elveria Stites – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Clair Rudman, Summer 1961 – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Mrs. Leland Rudman, Summer 1961, Collector Clair Rumford – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Norma Rudman, Summer 1961, Collector Clair Rumford – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” R.I. Ruth, 1965, Collector Sylvia Jeffery – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Guy Richard Ryan, Jr., May 6, 1961, Collector Jerry Allison – 1 page

Document – “Informant Biography, Form B” Stella Hill Ryan, July 2, 1958, Collector Mary P. Schmidt – 1 page


  • 1958-1971

Language of Materials



From the Collection: 11 Cubic Feet (11 boxes of audio recordings with transcripts.)


Repository Details

Part of the Fort Hays State University Special Collections Repository

502 South Campus Drive
Hays KS 67601 United States