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Jean Stouffer Collection

Identifier: FC 014
The collection includes photographic slides both of personal events in Dean Stouffer’s life and of her travels across the United States and abroad. The collection also includes several folders of personal photographs, memorabilia related to her relationship with The University of Kansas during the 1930 and 1940s, several folders of photographs and research notes related to her genealogical research, several reel to reel audio recordingss related to her research into various cultures and their traditional beliefs and a envelope of photographs from her time at Fort Hays State University.


  • 1910-1968


Conditions Governing Access

The materials are open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Written permission must be obtained from the Fort Hays State University Archives and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.


5.4 Linear Feet (8 legal sized archival boxes, 1 oversized box, 2 slide boxes )

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